New! Individuation Path on El Camino

In October 2024, you have the opportunity to come hiking on the Camino de Santiago, in Spain, combining two special experiences: that of a pilgrim on the El Camino and accomplishing your Individuation Path through working with the Gene Keys transmission.


Here you can connect with some testimonials from the ‘Venus with El Camino’ experiential retreat, 2023 Edition. We hope they inspire you to come with us also!

New! The Seven Rays

For anyone wishing to work with the Seven Sacred Seals it is desirable to do an inner spring cleaning before beginning. To step forward in this world, you must be prepared.

So this program is a space for inspiration and support for this preparation. It is a space where you will meet each of the seven rays that lie behind each sacred seal, with their miraculous qualities and frequencies.

Take a good look at your life and simplify everything that adds more stress. Before sowing new seeds, you need to prepare the soil. You need to remove weeds and add a rich fertilizer. The richer the soil, the more abundant your inner garden will become.

Gene Keys | The Activation Sequence

I invite you to Introduction to The Gene Keys – What they are, How to approach them and How to integrate them into your everyday life. Through group deep work, we will explore together the Activation Sequence, the first of the 3 sequences of the Golden Path, and your DNA map. You will learn what your 4 primordial gifts are, located in the first 4 spheres of your hologenetic profile – Life’s Work (outer work), Evolution (inner work), Radiance (physical health) and Purpose (your purpose).

Gene Keys | The Venus Sequence

Now that you already accepted the challenge revealed in the Activation Sequence, embraced your higher purpose, and opened yourself to go even deeper, I invite you to the School of Love streamed by the Venus Sequence.

We will work both with the practical approach – unfolding from Purpose to Vocation, and with the mystical approach – unfolding from the cosmic womb into the mother’s womb and then into this world (from Vocation to Purpose).

Gene Keys | The Pearl Sequence

Dear traveler on the Golden Path of the Gene Keys, after learning how to reach your higher purpose in the Activation Sequence and going through the School of Love, learning how to open your heart through the Venus Sequence, I invite you to explore what are the codes that activate true prosperity in your life through the Pearl Sequence.

If the questions “How can I really serve this world?” “How can I best be of service?” “What does the true Service I have to bring to the world looks like to be fulfilled?”, then Welcome to this sequence!

Maternity As A Path To Awakening

Just as living our whole life consciously is essential for our soul fulfilment, so is consciously manifesting our role as a mother – for those of us who have this purpose – is food for us, for our children, for the relationship with the children’s father, for the family, the community, for everything we touch. This is a mentoring program, part of the School of Love (other components: Relationships and Compatibility and Turn On The Light in Your Relationships).

It’s about conscious motherhood, no matter what stage we’re at. The program covers all stages of motherhood very well, the strength of the group is extraordinary. I had the opportunity to see motherhood in many forms with the help of the dear women I met and shared experiences with. The guide of the program, Claudia, is extraordinary; she brought her knowledge and personal experience making this trip an adventure towards the archetype of the mother.

~ Raluca, November 2021 – April 2022