

~ with Claudia Anghel ~

Personal & Organizational Holistic Guide

Gene Keys Guide & Ambassador

Whatever system or instrument called you in your journey towards your Self, the first secret to integrating its effects into your daily life is Rhythm. Another secret is Perseverance. And a third secret is Patience.

This triad of challenges will become invaluable qualities that will magnetize and stimulate other qualities to transform your conscious fitness into a new lifestyle.


You might wonder: Why should I change my lifestyle if I’m okay with the way I live now and the fascinating things I find out through these self-knowledge tools work in me anyway and transform me over time?

Don’t fool yourself; I urge you. Your physical body needs support in order to process new energies and frequencies, new discoveries and revelations, and to be able to manifest them in your ordinary life when you are no longer in direct contact with that information or with the guide and the community in which you found it.

Moreover, to bring them into your life in an optimal way and time for you, you need alignment between your physical, emotional, and mental bodies and the resulting holistic coherence between who you have become within and how you manifest yourself outwardly.


The Sacred Practices Pause is a space of support and inspiration in which I will bring, one by one, various sacred practices of breathing, body movement, meditation, self-connection, group-connection, and connection with different presences in your proximity or more distant, such as a star, a planet, or a constellation …


We will practice weekly, on Friday, from 6 p.m. UTC, for 30-40 minutes, over 21 weeks (3 cycles of 7). The online connection will be through Zoom with video, and it will be recorded so that it can be accessed as working material by as many people as possible. You can participate with video or without. You can also request the recording and use it to practice privately at home.


The Sacred Practices Pause is for you, any age you have, and with any self-knowledge tool you work with, whether you are at the beginning of your path or more advanced. You can come to all 21 gatherings or just to some of them. If you participate in all, you can have a rich and varied set of working practices for yourself and for other people whom you may want to offer further. 


Your contribution for your live participation, or by recording, will be an amount you choose, as you appreciate and can afford at this point in your life. You can pay at each gathering or for several at once, also at your choice.


We start with the New Moon on February 9, 2024, at 6 p.m. UTC. Sign up through the Form!